Friday, April 11, 2008

Where Are the "Homemade Bands" in YA?

Maybe I haven't been reading the right kind of YA books, but I have noticed an absence of main characters, in particular, male main characters, talking about bands they form. You know the kind of bass-heavy bands that are attracted to Ozzy tunes and screechy metal songs? The ones that are vanquished to the basement and practice all day Saturday? Those bands...
Yes, I've seen lots of music mentioned, and organized school bands that obediently produce Christmas and spring concerts, but I wonder where these bands are in YA lit?


Heather Duffy-Stone said...

Maybe your next book is here... a great story lies even in the photograph you posted... Blake Nelson's GIRL was much about the garage band music scene... but I think that was a decade ago. Seems shocking suddenly that I can't think of a homemade band story... (and THANK you for your powerful comments on my posting--these kinds of conversations are exactly what I hope for)

Anne Spollen said...

I sometimes wonder if we can't get kids, especially boys,to read because we're not offering them topics of any interest. After about age 8, they seem to get so little encouragement to do leisure reading.

Heather Duffy-Stone said...

Indie boy bands in 2009!
and yes yes true... I taught a remedial comp class to almost all biys a few years ago, but, the one book they loved (read)!? The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Anne Spollen said...

If they read it, they DID love it. Very tough to find books that appeal to boys, especially reluctant readers. Thanks for the tip!